"I met Joan in December of 2010. From the moment I first spoke with her, I knew that she was a woman of faith and had a heart for helping people! Over the next year, we worked together on a couple real estate deals and I came to realize what a truly amazing person she was. We went from acquaintances to best friends in what seemed like overnight. Over the last 10 years we have spent time together, vacationed together and became significant parts of each other’s lives and the lives of our families. It was during those early days, that Joan spoke to me about her passion and of her dream of using her gifts to not only match people with their home but to help people find their forever partner/spouse.
Shortly after we met, I went through a divorce. Over the next 7-8 years, I watched Joan work tirelessly to build her real estate business all the while praying about and working towards her desire to help bring people together. She helped me with numerous real estate transactions (I think it has been 12), none of which were “big money“ transactions, but she didn’t care, she worked just as hard for me as she did her million-dollar clients.
After being divorced for many years, she and I spoke about my desire to date and to try to find someone to spend the rest of my life with. I knew that she had met Jeff online, so I thought maybe that could work for me. Well I started my search and my first attempt ended badly. So, I decided to talk to Joan and get her advice. Good thing I did!!
She and I sat down in between the first and second attempts and went through a list of questions and we did a “mock interview”. That was helpful to prep me for the questions I wanted to ask and also helped me work through in my mind some hard stops. It helped me to recognize whether or not we might be a good fit and if not, it was ok and it didn’t mean that I was a failure, just that this was not the right person for me. Most importantly, we prayed, we prayed that God would send me a man who believed in Him and would love me and my family. This is exactly what I got!!!
So, long story short, I have recommended my dear friend, my sister Joan to others in their search for their forever home and I would not hesitate to recommend her to help them find their forever mate! -M"